Fine Solutions In case of the Hydroponics

Fine Solutions In case of the Hydroponics

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Growing cannabis without soil is becoming increasingly popular, although it is not easy. It takes a little practice, the right equipment and rigorous programming. A completely disinfected environment is also essential. That said, once you master it, you can enjoy its benefits. This technique has many advantages. You can go to the Herbal House NZ there.

Benefits of Landless Cultivation

The first benefit of hydroponics is the crop cycle itself. Plants will grow faster. It is approximately 20% faster. Why? Because growing without soil is a more efficient way of providing nutrients to plants. Higher harvests are also generated, between 20% and 25% more. There is no real reason to explain this. This is probably due to the fact that plants use and access nutrients faster when they are in liquid form. As a result, you will also be able to grow more plants. The space between them does not have to be as large as when grown in soil.

Herbal House NZ

You will also notice that you save space and water. The hydroponic culture medium is basically a water tank. Plants take only the water they need, and the rest stays in the tank until they need it again. No more watering daily. You will also notice that, in general, you will use less water. Why? Because there is no soil that absorbs water, but it goes directly to your plants.

Another thing that you will also be able to save is time. Hydroponic systems make your time much more efficient. All you have to do is check the water and the pH level.

It is much easier to grow organically in this way, as the plants will not be exposed to any chemicals that you do not want to introduce into the growing medium. Marijuana is highly sensitive to heavy metals and other impurities in the soil. However, removing soil also removes contaminants that you cannot see or control. The only thing your plant absorbs is pure, nutrient-rich water. And, in addition, the crop will be less susceptible to pests and diseases. Plants are grown in a closed and protected environment where pathogens cannot enter.

Different Hydroponic Systems

Once you have decided to cultivate without land, there are other decisions that you must make; specifically, what type of hydro system are you going to use. Here is a summary of the most used techniques:

Aeroponics: a form of hydroponics in which plants are suspended above the reservoir. The roots are enclosed in an opaque container. Small emitters produce a fine mist that surrounds the roots with water.

Deepwater Culture or DWC: the roots are immersed in a nutrient solution that is oxygenated through an air pump and a diffuser.

Continuous Flow and Top Feed System: A system that produces a continuous supply of nutrients from the top of the culture medium. There are many types of similar systems. Nutrient film technique (NFT) is a system in which plants are grown in a slightly tilted tray, and a thin film of nutrients flows from top to bottom. This process covers the roots with a constant film of fertilizers and water. Drip irrigation is a similar process. The plants are fed with small emitters placed at the top of the growing area.