Disease and Discontinuation of pods

Disease and Discontinuation of pods

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In Japan, only the licensed person is allowed to buy or sell Juul products online and also offline. The real pods are manufactured and imported from America. Nicotine liquids are made from tobacco plants that belong to the nicotiana genus the Solanaceae family plants. The tobacco plants are dried to make cigarettes and also the shishas. The ingredients that are present in the tobacco kind’s plants are nicotine and harmine. Most of the lung, kidney, and liver failures patients are smokers. Some of the Native Americans start growing juul 通販  plants in their garden traditionally.

In past histories, these plants are most popular in import and export. The Spanish chronicler was the first person who bought the tobacco plant in Europe. At first, only less quantity of plants is burnt and inhaled by the kings. It became most famous in the American colony. They started the tobacco plants for exporting as a cash crop to other countries.

juul 通販

It reached higher production during the 19th century. In the 19th century, only machine-made cigarettes get sold in markets which made huge growth in tobacco production. And by researching it they found that who smoke more are affected by lung cancer. And the maximum number of deaths occurred due to heart diseases and kidney failure and lung cancer.

After 2003, the world health organization railed every country to control tobacco. And they started publishing tobacco causes cancer and smoking kills in every product. Without tobacco inhaling the person feels more stress, pain, and irritation if it is not taken for an hour. Not only adults some of the teenagers also start smoking. Tobacco plants contain much nicotine content than other drugs.


In the year 2019, 17 th October they would get a discontinue its creme, flavor which is in cucumber, fruit flavor, and as well as flavor which is in mango have sold in the online store. The flavors which

contains menthol, tobacco flavor, and as well as mint remains in the store. The product which has been in discontinuation will be applicable only in the US, this type of flavored contains in the pod is used to sell in all the countries. In the year 2019, the month of November Juul announced that they would discontinue the product of selling the flavor of mint in the country of the US.


In the year of 2019, on October first, it has been reported in Juul

to set up a campaign lobby. The campaign looks like a movement of grassroots is said to be a switch network. The separate goal is to recruit consumers who have

been prepared for the signing of the petitions, protests, or rally which have been attended in public, have to test the hearings of public or the stories should be shared with the press.


The diseases which cause due to inhaling of juul nicotine

COPD-which is abbreviated as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease

Lung cancer


Heart disease

It affects reproductive effects in women



low birth in babies weight, Premature

This type of cancer includes Cataracts, Blindness and as well as degeneration of macular which is related to age

other types of cancer, include cancer in the pancreatic, liver, cervix, stomach, colon, etc..